penny for my thoughts?

I'm a grouch. And I'm cranky. And I'm also a composer caught in the middle of all the madness in LA.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Wait wait wait

It's 9:30 on a Friday morning. TJ left for school. He's got an Italian quiz today. DO WELL!! :) We got somewhat depressed last night thinking about the next few years to come. Will he get into Med school? Will he get one at UCLA? What happens if he gets into a school out of state? Another long distance relationship? I don't think I can do 4 years. Unless I move with him and follow him wherever he goes....Lots to think about.

Right now, I'm kinda just...sitting tight (which is something I can't say about my butt no more) and just waiting for news. The music school hasn't called back, so i'm assuming they got somebody else...which is fine. Plenty of other music schools to look for. I only start calling the temp agency on that gives me a few more days to relinquish in the joys of the unemployed.

And yesterday...oooh, yesterday. Lemme back track a little. Right after my appointment with the temp agency, I received a voicemail from one of the assistants at Universal. She's leaving. Wants to continue her studies and get her Masters. So her position as assistant will be available. She asked me if I was interested and hell yeah, I was. So I sent them my resume and met up with them yesterday.

Since they already knew me, they could skip the company background and all the..."interrogation" bit. Just more or less told me the duties that were expected yadaa yadaa yadaa. They are still interviewing people, so I'm just gonna have to sit tight again and wait for news. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed on that. I know I don't have much experience in paperwork kinda jobs, so I won't be surprised if they gave the job to somebody who knows what they are doing. And the job also includes dealing with stressed out clients...whom I'm supposed to destressed and all. Haha. I got so scared of THAT description I even bough a book off Amazon on Telephone Etiquette and all. How to deal with people on the phone. YES, I am that useless when it comes to customer service.

Anyhow, after the interview, had a little chat with a few people there. They're keeping their fingers crossed for me too. But in the end, it all comes down to who will suit the job the best, so...oh well, we'll see. It's weird. If you sit me down and ask me to write songs for you and compose like, 5 minutes of music per day, I'd be less scared than asking me to talk to people on the phone. I am really not a natural people person, but I guess it's time I learnt anyway. Hehe. Sometimes I wish I was more like Dad. He gets along with everyone! Everywhere he goes, he knows someone. Or Mum. Haha. Everybody in the market knows her. Hmm...

Dang, it seriously kills your brain little by little when you don't have a job...


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