penny for my thoughts?

I'm a grouch. And I'm cranky. And I'm also a composer caught in the middle of all the madness in LA.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Homemade gifts

It's 4:53 am. And I can't sleep. So as usual, I started browsing on the net. Since Valentine's Day is around the corner, I started to look for ideas on what to give TJ. And I happened to bump into this page...Loving It was just ideas of homemade gifts that people made for their other halfs.

...I guess I am what-you-might-call a sappy person. I like stuff like may be corny, but it's meaningful. Sweet. But it's kinda funny really. All these years...I never did anything like that for my ex boyfriends. No homemade cards, or homemade gifts. No gifts. I always ended up in relationships just don't do stuff like that. Be it Valentine's Day...or birthdays...or Christmas...Those days were know, like any other day. Not that important. We usually ended up somehow agreeing that we didn't have to get the other person anything for those 'special' occasions...

On the other hand, reading those posts on the website reminded me of someone. Not a boyfriend, but rather, a really really good girl friend. When I was back in college, I made a really close friend. Heh. Actually, we didn't really start off on the right foot. We had pretty bad first impressions on the other person. I thought she was an obnoxious, stuck up spoilt brat....and she thought I was a snooty high class rich girl. Heh. Boy were we wrong!

We turned out to be really close...inseparable, some might say. When we were still living in the dorm, everybody knew that...if you see one of us, the other is not far from sight. We always went to class together...had lunch and dinner together....and after dinner, we would talk and talk and talk and talk somemore. What we talked about...everything. From school, to dorm gossip...everything under the sun.

Even after we moved out...and studied different majors...we still managed to find time to talk...sometimes we would talk all through the night, and just go for class the next morning. Haha. was super hard to keep our eyes open. Then after a while...we started to do more things on our own. We started making new friends...started heading toward different paths...but she somehow always showed me that she still cared.

Sometimes, in the morning...I would find a simple note on my table...telling me to have a great day in school today. Or a card with silly drawings and silly messages. (She was a great artist by the way) But those cards sure made my day. It made going through a whole long day of classes just that little bit better. Or it would make me laugh whenever I think about it. She once drew me a cartoon of me...holding the violin...and the violin was complaining about the way I played it. (Yes, I'm a lousy violinist) Till today, it never fails to make me smile whenever I think about it.

I remember once, I wanted to make her a homemade card for her birthday. I knew she liked tulips...and I just happen to have this tulip card in one of my DIY books. So off I went to buy paper, glue and all that DIY stuff. I tried to follow the instructions exactly...but well, I guess I kinda suck when it comes to arts. Haha. It started turning out all funny...and I had to improvise. I was kinda embarassed when I gave it to her...but she told me she liked it. :) It actually felt really good making somebody a gift rather than buying it...

But, I don't think I have done anything homemade since then. Maybe this Valentine's day will be a fresh start. Hmm. We'll see won't we...


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