penny for my thoughts?

I'm a grouch. And I'm cranky. And I'm also a composer caught in the middle of all the madness in LA.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Don't Everybody Call Me All At Once...!

Whoa. After a month of no calls, no work and plenty of rejection, this sure is a change. For the better.

First I started working on an indie feature film. This is a super rush job for now since they want to submit the 1st draft to a festival by March 1st. So now the average rate of composing is not 1 minute a day...more like 4-5 minutes. But I'll have time to fine tune it and make changes after that's good.

Then there's a student short which I will start working on this weekend. Will be meeting the director later this week. So that's cool.

Yesterday, I also got a call back from a small indie production company that I interviewed at last week. They want me to join their team. Yay! It's unpaid, but from what they were telling me, lots of chances for exposure. They do stuff like documentaries and segments on specific people or topics...and it gets aired on TV or Cable. :) Two thumbs up.

THEN....then there's Ralph's. Hahaha. Yeah, I was so desperate work for I applied online at all the nearby grocery stores and book stores and all. They have 2 job openings at the Ralph's in Century City, which is about 15 minutes from my place. So will be meeting the store manager tomorrow too.

So now...after getting my ass slammed at by so many closing doors, I'M kicking ass. Hyuk hyuk.


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